Archive for the ‘Vintage fashion’ Tag

Speak Again the Name

It is said that, when a person’s name is spoken or thought, then that person shall have life eternal, no matter when they may have lived, no matter when they may have died.

Who do we speak of? Turn the page to see in brief….

Hauling Out the Old – Ricielli

Ricielli jumpsuit

When you sit down to clean out your Inventory, you’d better sit down and focus on it.  I’ve been up in the “penthouse” apartments of my space station for well over a week now, with Inventory set on chronological, scooping through tonnes of old stuff that’s accumulated like a nightmare of the late George Carlin’s devising, for over a week now.  In the process, of course, I’ve found things that I’d forgotten I’d ever bought, and I’m feeding them into the “sorted” system folders when I find something worthy of keeping.

Chiefly, though, I want to lose as much of the old pre-Version 2 clothing as I can, as these old garments, particularly the skirts, are often based around alpha layers in the prims that look funky on modern viewers and screens1.  Old curly hairstyles from back then were also heavily wrapped around alpha layers. because that’s what we had to work with back then.  You young whipper-snapper recent comers to Second Life fashion don’t know how good you have it these days, when we don’t have to walk uphill both ways in blinding virtual snowstorms to go mine and smelt raw, hot prims and create alpha textures like we did back in the Good Ole Days–

(Sound of a 3-day-old fish whacking against Harper’s head)

Okay, okay, less hyperbole.  Anyway, I’m also finding things that fall under the category of “What was I on when I bought this??”  If I find something so atrocious that it deserves a shot, I may share it with you.  For now, though, I’d rather share a few of the nicer things I’ve stumbled back over, such as this denim bustier jumpsuit from Ricielli, which I’ve teamed up with an old hairstyle that was sold by Griddie.  I’m pretty sure both of these are no longer available — what happens when you forgot to write something up and the creator shuts down their store or drops a piece from the line.  Of course, that’s what then makes this vintage!


1 Wild, baby; only seven years in Second Life, and I’m thinking of those early days as ancient.  (Shakes head.)

signature 3

Checking Out Old Goodies — Mimikri Helena

How Do I Keep My Hair In Place Driving This Thing b 1

“Hmmm…?  Oh; hello, dear.  How can I help you tonight?…”

Read the rest of this entry »

Ivalde Vintage Fashion Has Closed — KymSara Rayna

Sad news indeed on this part. I truly had not heard anything about the closing, as my SL involvement gets more marginal during the summer and I was not one of Ivalde’s “regulars.” Hopefully things will improve for Neferia, to where she can reopen under this or another label.

Notions of Style

ivalde add 2011-3

Second Life lost one of its true fashion icons the last day of May, which sadly went relatively unnoticed. Ivalde Vintage Fashion, the shop which sustained the finest in Vintage Women’s clothes, from carefully researched inspirations, is now closed.

Neferia sept 2011Neferia Abel

Neferia Abel is a legend in SL Fashion, building an incredible collection of what one customer described as,“a very valuable living fashion history”. Angie Mornington of Fabulous Fashion on Treet TV said of her experience attending an Ivalde Fashion Show, “was like taking a visual walk through time”.

Fabulous Fashion - Angie & NefFabulous Fashion – Angie & Nef

Neferia’s designs were indeed derived from historical patterns, illustrations, films, and photographs and her textures were based often on actual fabrics and laces from the era she was designing. What most people were unaware of was that these fabulous clothes were all textured with paintings or drawings from the artist’s hand.

Ivalde-Live TV BroadcastLive Broadcast of Ivalde…

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