It’s Jem’s Fault

This is what the new house looks like from the land side. I had to temporarily derezz some of the trees in front to show it.

The weird thing about houses is that they almost always look like nothing is happening inside of them, even though they contain most of our lives. I wondered if that was sort of the point of architecture.

John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

I blame it on Jemmy. I blame everything on Jemmy, of course, so it doesn’t matter what I blame her for; it’s her fault.

More specifically, though, I blame her for moving to another house. Yeah, yeah, I know, it wasn’t her fault her landlady had to shut down. (And then again ….) (Actually, I could blame Morgan as well, since she just took a small apartment ….)

Part of the living room; it’s much larger … and has more walls where I can hang art and photos.

Okay, okay (laughing). I’ve actually been thinking of putting up a new house for some time. I liked the old one quite a bit; except that I didn’t realize until I’d moved into it that the outer walls were mostly glass, and the inner “walls” weren’t walls in the strict sense. You can see in some of our back photos where we’re inside at the time. Anything hung on them for artwork looked lousy. So I went back on the market after only about a year and a half.

The hallway outside a nice, substantial bathroom

This new house (Bradbury from inVerse) gives me “room beyond hope,” and more walls to place prints on, which I’ll be doing as I get time and inspiration. In the meantime, I’m rearranging things, deleting what I don’t want … all the things a new homeowner has to do. I did remove the circular staircase (sadly, I fell back on this design to a “stumblebum” tight spiral) and replace it with an elevator — no design is ever perfect, of course. And I need to speak to the builder about the pool animations. But the rest of it is great, and the entire group will be enjoying it at one time or another.

I hang this on the doorpost of all my houses. It’s taken from a similar item sold in my old church bookstore.

Didn’t think you’d get entirely away from the fashion, did you? Every good house house needs a formal portrait of its owner, I think …. Here I am in front of an indulgence — I finally have somewhere to put a piano! Maybe I should rezz my guitar on a stand as well …. (Scribbling notes)

“Together in our house, in the firelight, we are the world made small.”
Jennifer Donnelly, Revolution


The details of the fashion:

  • Full body: Maitreya Lara 4.1
  • Eyes: IKON Sovereign (Electric)
  • Hair: rezology Lamb of Columbia
  • Gown: Sascha’s Designs Maurelle (Available at 5/9 – 5/31 round of On9)
  • Shoes: SlackGirl Penny (Available at 5/9 – 5/31 round of On9)
  • Jewelry: GeWunjo Zara
  • Eyeshadow: Shiny Stuffs Liquid Gaze (Omega, slot 25)
  • Lipstick: Astrae The Endless (Omega, slot 1)
  • Nails: Ascendant Lamarr (color 03)