Archive for the ‘ryvolter’ Tag

Walking in Knightsbridge

ryvolter in Knightsbridge 96,117,21 1

(The woman pauses and smiles as she turns to greet the reporter.)

Oh!  Hello, luv; whatcha want to know today?

Turn the page to find out!

New Year’s at Nat’s

New Year's Eve 1

A fast one today, as I’m running a little behind getting ready for work.  But I figured I should kick off the new year with a bit of a celebration piece, and what better way to celebrate than in indulging in a little opulence?  Specifically, pieces from the current round of Uber, which opened on New Year’s Eve with the theme of Opulence.  The dress, shoes, stole and nails you see here all come from event stores.

May your new year be blessed, prosperous, and meaningful for you and yours.

New Year's Eve 2

New Year's Eve 3


The details:

Standard —

  • Skin: Glam Affair Cleo (America – Clean B, SLink appliers)
  • Eyes: Sterling Artistry Jeweled Eyes (brightblue)
  • Hair: Truth Sam (cranberry, with roots — no longer available)
  • Attachments: SLink High Feet and Casual Hands
  • Makeup: Madrid Solo Mix/Match Beguiled Eyeshadow (Gold) and Lipstick (Dark Red)

Available at this month’s Uber event —

  • Ensemble: ISON cinched sweater and metallic lace skirt (snow)
  • Accessories: REIGN. Avantii Pumps (white, SLink); ryvolter Maxine Shoulder Stole (Snow); BvddyX Gold Square Vintage Pyramid Earrings

Photographed in front of Nat’s in Detroit City region

signature 3