Archive for the ‘Modern Couture’ Tag


“… [I]n the absence of sensory information, the imagination always tends to the grotesque.”

Patrick McGrath

I’ve been doing a little cleanup in my Inventory, and found this gown. It’s vintage now, along with the hair and fur, but worth sharing in some photos.
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Talking With the Blue Jays 1

I finished up a survey I volunteered to take on religion in Second Life today, and took some time afterward to wander around the land.  As I was walking back from the Celtic cross I have on a sub-island, look what I spotted sitting on my bridge!  He was a friendly type — didn’t move an inch when I bent closer to talk to him.  I felt like Snow White for a minute, singing to the birds in the forest….

Talking With the Blue Jays 2

Snow White didn’t dress like this, though, which I found at a side location while I was picking up my eyeshadow for this shoot.  Green and black leather, fitting nicely, soft and supple when I move.  I matched this dress with new rings and earrings from Modern Couture, and a bracelet from Zuri Rayna.

Talking With the Blue Jays 3

And, at last, a long hairstyle I enjoy!  The Tsubasa wig from Argrace fits wonderfully, doesn’t stuff itself into my boobs, and is modifiable for color to the jelly-bean colors I choose for some of my characters.  I can see Ariel in her trademarked dark blue shade with this hair when she doesn’t have it in an updo; and as for more normal shades, look at Sharra here.  There are more shades available in both dark and light red, of course, as well as other colors.  If long hair is your preference, try this one out for sure!


The details:

Please note, some items may not yet be available at these links, which are all to the main stores.

Most poses by Bauhaus Movement

Photographed at my home

signature 3

Storyboards — Breakup, and Confrontation

None of us have put anything up for days, so I figured I’d add some of my storyboarding sessions from “Thief In the Night,” the story I’m working on in dribs and drabs.  It’s not moving incredibly well in the writing department, partly because of time constraints, partly because of Second Life, and partly because I’ve never written scenes where two women are arguing over a man before.  You’ll see below, in the photos for the “confrontation” section.  As I think I’ve said before, I like to use SL as a platform to work out scenes and dress my characters visually.  It makes it easier to imagine and portray what they look like in any scene when I have an actual visual reference.  So far, the dress designers of Second Life haven’t let me down, or I’ve worked something up into a more futuristic appearance (or at least more glitzy).

Warning:  From here on, it’s graphics intensive, about 15 photos.  I’ve saved them in JPG and shrunk them down, but it will probably still take a bit to load them all, and I’m not really thrilled whenever I use the gallery feature in WordPress (just because I want it all out in the open).  So if you have a slow connection, here be dragons from this point on.

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