Archive for the ‘Oceane Body Design’ Tag

Dawn Vigil

This well and building are only part of a lovely build called Otter Cove, with lots of opportunities for photography. See below for the landmark.

Still half asleep, I sought the hill and found
My vantage place, then stood a moment there
To probe the wind for some familiar sound;
But no vibrtation moved along the air,
And I learned nothing that I did not know
From the far east’s faint conglomerate glow.

A lovely build deserves a lovely dress. This spring outfit from Meva fits the need quite nicely!

I asked the stars, what destiny awaits
Beyond this dark incalculable night? …
And suddenly, incredibly, the gates
Of morning opened to approaching light;
Then, somewhere near, a bird began to sing —
And my heart heard the whole world listening.

Carl John Bostelmann, “Dawn Vigil”
Poetry (XLII:5) August 1933, p. 261

The details:

Harper (as “Keiko”) wears:

  • Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins Kaya (BOM, cotton candy)
  • Head: LAQ Rina 3.05 Bento
  • Body: Maitreya Lara 5.0.2
  • Eyes: Ikon Sovereign (Field)
  • Hair: D!va Calista
  • Dress: Meva Virginia (available at March round of Anthem)
  • Shoes: KC Couture Portia
  • Jewelry: The Forge House Martell ring; EarthStones Simply Put necklace and earrings, and Nyala Bento rings
  • Eyeshadow: Zibska Aless (vintage)
  • Eyeliner: MUA All the Ways eyeliner (vintage)
  • Lipstick: Oceane Body Design Jade Lips (vintage)
  • Nails: Suicidal Unborn Almond Nails

Total ARC (including unlisted HUDs): 37,896

Photographed at Otter Lake (Lanzarote Cove region)

French Quarter Fun

“Mardi Gras, baby. Mardi Gras. Time when all manner of weird shit cuts loose and parties down.”

— Sherrilyn Kenyon, No Mercy

We were walking down Bourbon Street the other night, and came across this sign outside the Absinthe Cafe. Can’t think of a better argument in favor of bacon, can you …?

Read the rest of this entry »

Subway Date

(Sigh) I’d get the paper to read on the way, but I don’t want newsprint all over this dress. I’d like to get at least a few decent wears out of it before I take it to the cleaners ….

And what a dress it it! Form-fitting from Thalia Heckroth’s house, with just a touch of a slit in the back. Perfect for the evening, and comfortable to wear … at least, until I take it off …. (Small smile)

  • Skin: Belleza Bianca BoM (Mocha – Black Brow)
  • Head: LAQ Zahra 3.05 Bento
  • Body: Maitreya Lara 4.1
  • Eyes: Ikon Triumph (Chocolate)
  • Dress: Thalia Heckroth Eva (Pebble)
  • Shoes: KC Couture Detroit ankle boots
  • Accessories: David Heather Olay turban (Grey) and Skalidi clutch (Grey); EarthStones RainBow necklace and earrings
  • Hair: Firelight Kara (Thick Edition)
  • Eyeshadow: Shakeup! Cosmetics Liquid Eyeshadow (inWindsor)
  • Lipstick: Oceane Body Design Jade Bigger Lipstick (Aubergine)

Teleport to Mopire (then find a way down into the subway system; you can’t jump directly there)

(Behold, by the way, my brand new “signature.” The old “Enya-style” one had its problems, including terrible numbers; so I changed to a new font.)

Shine Like Water

It is said by the Eldar that in water there lives yet the echo of the Music of the Ainur more than in any substance that is in this Earth; and many of the Children of Ilúvatar hearken still unsated to the voices of the Sea, and yet know not for what they listen.

J. R. R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion


A bad link led me to this piece of parkland where a club should have been. The club is no more, but the island remains, lovingly landscaped now by someone, set with statues and a wandering path. I stayed long enough to shoot a few photos, but I won’t share the landmark, as I think it’s private property, and I don’t want my mistake to be bringing lots of people descending on the homeowner’s little paradise.

I had a party in mind, some rock ‘n roll for the night, and so I climbed into a brand new pantsuit by Rapture. (Members of the store group are getting a discount for a while, so check it out soon!) It’s available in quite a few colors, but a party deserves some shine, and Rapture’s materials treatment certainly supplies that here. This jump suit shines as much as afternoon sun off the water of a lake or river ….

Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient. Dripping water wears away a stone. Remember that, my child. Remember you are half water. If you can’t go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does.

Margaret Atwood, The Penelopiad


I’m wearing:

  • Head: LAQ Ana 3.05 Bento
  • Body and feet: Maitreya Lara 4.1
  • Hands: Vista ProHands
  • Eyes: Ikon Sovereign – (Passion)
  • Hair: Charme Roxy
  • Outfit: Rapture Melinda jumpsuit (Gold-Silver)
  • Shoes: SlackGirl Suzie heels
  • Jewelry: GeWunjo Sunny necklace and earrings; RealEvil ReVoX Aviator Watch; Amour Fashion silver bangles
  • Eyeshadow: Zibska Liquorizia (Omega, slot 13)
  • Lipstick: Oceane Bette (Omega, lips slot 3)

Cargo Deck

It’s hard enough getting around a spaceport, they’re often such huge and rambling places.  When the hovercab drops you at the wrong entrance, though, that adds on even more complication.  Especially when the entrance the silly AI chooses is the entrance to the cargo deck — a place where nobody in their right mind is walking around, at least if they don’t have legitimate business there.  And then add that the cargo deck is a cargo deck — it’s 5,000 metres up from the surface, to get it out of view of the local burghers.  And I’m up here on a grid floor in spike-heel boots!

Some days, you can’t lin for the woosing ….

Oh, well; at least I’m warm in the wind … well, mostly warm; but at least I thought to put a top on under the traveling outfit.


The details:

  • Head: Akeruka Nami 2.5 Bento
  • Body and feet: Maitreya Lara 4.1
  • Eyes: IKON Sovereign (Emerald)
  • Hair: rezology Cutting Edge
  • Dress: Rapture Coco (available at Cosmopolitan through November 30) (Note:  You will probably want to remove your hands when wearing this, as the thumbs will poke out of the sleeves at the end)
  • Top: Yvole applier halter top green
  • Pants: Steelhead applier low ride leggings
  • Shoes: Fonde metal thigh boots (vintage)
  • Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer Aliah Moonshine long necklace and earrings
  • Eyeshadow: Zibska Verad (Omega, slot 4)
  • Lipstick: Zibska Sable (Omega, slot 3; vintage)
  • Lashes: Oceane Smokin’ Hot mesh lashes

Photographed at INSILICO SE region

“Laissez le bon temps rouler!”


Bienvenue sur le Rue Bourbon, dans le ville de La Nouvelle-Orléans!  At this time of year, the biggest parties of the world are held in Mobile, Rio de Janiero, the Caribbean islands, and especially to American minds, in New Orleans, where Mardi Gras provides the traditional closeout to the church calendar season of Epiphany.  Jem and I took it a little farther than short tops and tons of beads this year; it looks like we should be on a float for one of the famous Crewes!

And no, Peter Minuet, we won’t flash you our boobs for beads.  (Laughing)

Full-size photo (1920 / 16:9 wallpaper size) at Flickr

What are we wearing? Turn the page and see.

Cyborgs of Fantasy

It was a Saturday evening, two nights before the official public première of The Land of Fantasy’s new revue, which Lady Ariel Sherman and her writers had christened Nights of Fantasy.  Newsstream writers, critics and celebrities from across several stellar cubes of planetary sectors had been invited to a preview of the show, and an after-party to celebrate.  And the mood of the people milling through Sherman Mansion at that party, hosted by herself and her husband, Lord Adam Sandhara, gave Ariel every encouragement that the reviews soon to be written and off-hand interviews to be given would be strongly in the positive.  Her smile gleamed almost as much as the sheen of the garden lights from her golden integument as she moved through the crowd of information-hungry reporters and celebrities who toasted her with sparkling etrinya wine and air-kissed her when they saw her.

Four years ago, such an event hadn’t been needed.  The news coverage of the freeing of over 700 citizens of the Limlight Republic from bondage, following their near-total conversion into cyborg “pleasure workers,” had still been fresh in the public’s mind when the original version of Ariel’s revue premiered.  Now, Nights of Fantasy needed to compete in the market alongside the other entertainments on the pleasure planet Videra, and that meant publicity.  Ariel had set the marketing group her theatre always used to work on it, and that included Dara Furtano, the young woman who had arranged and masterminded this party.


Young indeed, Ariel thought as she spotted Dara under a wooden gazebo in the garden and went over to speak with her.  Figuratively, Dara was less than a year old, though she had been born over twenty years before.  Dara had requested that Ariel provide the means to convert her into a ‘borg herself, for reasons that still mystified Ariel in some ways.  Ariel had resisted every request — until an accident at the theatre had almost killed her and her daughter, Zana.  Dara, nearby at the time, had saved them, which placed Ariel in lifedebt to Dara; and, after more discussion, had agreed reluctantly to the conversion.  She had found no cause to regret that concession; indeed, Dara, already an excellent publicist and marketing executive, had grown even better with her now total recall of needed data, as well as the ability to synthesize solutions on the fly.  And her already present beauty had been intensified by her conversion into a silvery cyborg.


“Dara, if I had to give the night a review, I’d say you’re what they used to call a boffo success,” Ariel smiled as she stepped under the gazebo.  “Thank you so much for what you’ve done for us.  And you are as charming as could be in that gown!  I thought it would look good on you.”

Dara smiled back, if shyly, and dipped a small curtsey to her host, the fuchsia folds of her dress billowing about her in the bob.  “Thank you back, lady.  The same could be said about you, how well the show went off; it was fantastic!  And your dress is lovely, too.”

“Something I pulled out of my closet; I hadn’t had a decent place to wear it until tonight, and I don’t think you can find it anywhere now.  Who knows, but it may come back into style after tonight.”



The details:

Harper (Lady Ariel Sherman) wears —


  • Skin: Fallen Gods Pure (Gold)
  • Eyes: Less is More CyberEYE v3.0
  • Hair: rezology May Rose
  • Attachments: SLink Avatar Enhance hands and feet
  • Gown: [sYs] Majestic (vintage)
  • Shoes: Vero Modero Murcia (vintage)
  • Accessories: Adam n Eve Opera Gloves for SLINK Hands (Black); Anachron group gift cigarette holder; Chop Zuey French Kiss suite (bracelet, earrings, ring, necklace) and Lala in Love wedding suite; Heth Haute Couture Royal Star brooch (you’ll find this on the men’s side; I’ve borrowed it for Ariel’s Republican Order brooch)
  • Makeup (eye application order): Oceane Body Design Metallix Eyeshadow (Purple); JUMO Vega eyeliner (Black 003); *BOOM* Liquid Glaze (vintage); Mystic Canvass Pucker Gloss lipstick (vintage)

Jem (Dara Furtano) wears —


  • Skin: Fallen Gods Pure (Ice)
  • Eyes: Less is More CyberEYE v3.0
  • Hair: rezology Kunai
  • Attachments: SLink Avatar Enhance hands and feet
  • Gown: Chop Zuey Tizziana pink gown, inspired by John Galliano designs, complete with bracelet and earrings
  • Shoes: KC Couture Cassiopeia sandals
  • Gloves: Sweet Tea Formal Gloves (Fuschia [sic])
  • Makeup (eye application order): Oceane Body Design Cat2 eyeshadow (Fuchsia); Zibska Innes lipstick (05); FATElashes v2.0

Photographed at my home

Most poses by PosESioN; conversation animation by [RNP] Animations

signature 3

Tholosa, the Witch-queen

October’s here!  Time to start getting in gear for Halloween, and I’ve got just the thing here.  I was going to just publish these on Flickr, but at least a few of them are pretty decent; so I’ll do the same thing here as I did on there, publish them with text beneath to explain each scene in my story.  It’s definitely a first for me, I’m not sure what Harper would have to say about this one.  But if she can publish her stuff on here, so can I, and she’s been encouraging me to. You get to judge how I do.

Fair warning disclosure — there’s a lot of large pictures here.  Have patience if it takes a little for them to load, please.

You can see the entire original collection in full size in the album on Flickr (aside from several I’m adding in here to help bulk out the collection, or that I reshot with Conan to improve things).



Tholosa the Exalted, the Witch-queen of the Empire of Oshor Chih — known not as The Exalted by her enemies, but as Tholosa of the Grave — takes her ease in her palace’s apartments, beneath a statue of one of the strange gods she worships.  Even in the gloom of her rooms, this strange woman, who has conquered and absorbed into her empire kingdom after kingdom, glows with a shell of power.  This encourages her unlettered slaves to believe in her as a goddess, and puts to use the undesirable effect of all the sorcerous protections she has cast about her in self-defense.

Read the rest of this entry »

The Highest of Heels and a Beautiful Hat

Highest of Heels and a Beautiful Hat 2

“If they ever do my life story, whoever plays me needs lots of hair color and high heels.”

— Charlize Theron

The way you wear your hat,
The way you sip your tea,
The memory of all that —
No, no! They can’t take that away from me!

— Ira Gershwin (lyricist), “They Can’t Take That Away From Me”


See more of this combination on the next page.

Denim To the People!

“Jeans represent democracy in fashion.” — Giorgio Armani

COCO Uber 1

I think I’d stretch that quote to denim overall.  (“No, not overalls, ya nimrod; go get your ears flushed.”)

Let’s get back on topic here; turn the page….